
The school has a medical room. Regular eye, dental and general health check-up records of all students are being maintained. We have agreements with good hospitals to provide prompt attention in case of medical emergencies.

The medical care for children is of foremost concern in terms of care of child and life saving. The medical facilities are unparalleled in school health care. there is spacious, airy and well equipped medical room. Apart from a regular Doctors and nurse, child health is regularly monitored by a team of specialist doctors as preventive and restrictive measure. This includes regular eye and dental examination records.

Well qualified counsellors cater to all age group of students and teachers for balanced mental health as well as behaviour modification and guidance. The guidance and Career counselling department helps every student to explore possibilities: that are commensurate with their respective skills and abilities. The Counsellors provide support that enables the students to become more aware of their resources.